Start off by de-boning the pilchards, set aside the sauce
In a bowl combine and mix the pilchards, one egg, ¼ cup of bread crumbs, onion, half a teaspoon of all the spices.
In a casserole dish lay the mixture and freeze for an hour or until solid.
Once solid cut into thick strips
Pre-heat the oil
In a separate bowl crack the remaining eggs and mix wit the remaining spices until well combined
Put the remaining bread crumbs on a plate
Start off by coating the strips in the egg mixture then coat with the bread crumbs and fry for 2-4 minutes or until crispy and golden brown.
Prepare the rest of the ingredients, slice the purple cabbage finely and set it aside
Cut the peaches and half of an avocado into cubes and mix, add salt and pepper
With the rest of the avocado, put it in a blender with ¼ cup of water and squeezed lemon juice, salt and pepper and some pilchard sauce, blend until smooth
Pre-heat the oven, on a non-stick pot slightly add the tortilla wraps and cook on both sides for a minute or so, transfer the tortilla wraps into the oven bending them to create a shell for 2 minutes until a shape is formed
Assembling the tacos
Spread some mayonnaise on the taco shells, add 1 fish stick and some cabbage, avocado and peach salsa, corn kernels and add another 2 sticks of fish and top it off with some avocado sauce and slices of green chilli and basil for garnish